November 1, 2023, 2:00 am

City-Building Simulator: Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive

City-building games have long captivated the hearts and minds of gamers, allowing them to unleash their creativity and strategic planning skills in the virtual realm. One standout developer in this genre is Colossal Order, and they've partnered with Paradox Interactive to create some of the most beloved city-building simulators in recent years. In this article, we'll explore the world of city-building simulations, the developer behind them, and their collaboration with Paradox Interactive.

Colossal Order: Crafting Virtual Metropolises

Colossal Order, a Finnish game development studio, has gained renown for its prowess in creating city-building simulations that are as realistic as they are engaging. Their flagship series, Cities: Skylines, was released in 2015 and quickly became a favorite among simulation enthusiasts. The game allows players to build and manage their own cities, from designing road networks to zoning areas for residential, commercial, and industrial use.

One of the most impressive aspects of Cities: Skylines is its commitment to realism. The game's traffic and public transportation systems mirror real-world urban planning, and the modding community has flourished, enhancing the game with countless user-created assets and modifications.

City-Building Simulator: Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive

Paradox Interactive: The Publisher Behind the Success

Paradox Interactive, a Swedish video game publisher, is well-known for its strategy and simulation games. Their partnership with Colossal Order on Cities: Skylines was a match made in heaven. Paradox Interactive provided the publishing and marketing support, enabling the game to reach a wider audience. With Paradox's reputation for supporting their games long after launch, Cities: Skylines received numerous expansions and updates that continued to enrich the gaming experience.

City-Building Simulator: Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive

The Success of Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines enjoyed both critical acclaim and commercial success. The game was praised for its deep gameplay, extensive modding support, and active community. Players found themselves immersed in the challenges of city management, from balancing the budget to dealing with traffic congestion and pollution. The success of Cities: Skylines also led to the development of console versions, allowing players to enjoy the city-building experience on various platforms.

City-Building Simulator: Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive

Expansions and Additional Content

One of the factors that contributed to the game's lasting appeal is the consistent release of expansions and downloadable content (DLC). Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive worked together to provide players with new features, assets, and challenges. Whether it was the Green Cities expansion focusing on eco-friendly urban planning or the Industries expansion that added depth to industrial zones, these updates breathed new life into the game and kept players engaged for years.

The Future of City-Building Simulations

The success of Cities: Skylines and the collaboration between Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive have left a lasting impact on the city-building simulation genre. Players continue to enjoy the game, and the modding community remains active. The partnership has also inspired other developers to create innovative city-building titles.

As technology advances, we can expect even more immersive and realistic city-building simulations in the future. Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive have set a high standard, and fans of the genre eagerly anticipate what the next generation of city-building games will bring.


Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive's collaboration on Cities: Skylines is a prime example of how a dedicated developer and a supportive publisher can create a gaming masterpiece. The game's enduring popularity is a testament to the passion and creativity of the city-building community. As we look ahead to the future, it's clear that the city-building genre will continue to thrive, thanks in part to the success and inspiration provided by Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive.